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AS 1670.1:2015/Amdt 1:2017 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning - Fire Amendment by Standards Australia,...
AS 5013.21:2017 Food microbiology - Meat and meat products - Enumeration of presumptive Pseudomonas spp. standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2017
AS ISO 8624:2011/Amdt 1:2017 Ophthalmic optics - Spectacle frames - Measuring system and terminology Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/2017
AS 4739:2017 Direct glazed automotive glass replacement - Light vehicles standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2017
AS 5104:2017 General principles on reliability for structures standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2017
AS ISO 9342.1:2017 Optics and optical instruments - Test lenses for calibration of focimeters -Test lenses for focimeters used for measuring spectacle lenses standard by Standards...
AS ISO 15706.1:2004/Amdt 1:2017 Information and documentation - International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/2017 ...
AS ISO 5127:2017 Information and documentation - Foundation and Vocabulary standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2017
AS 2344:2016 Limits of electromagnetic interference from overhead a.c. powerlines and high voltage equipment installations in the frequency range 0.15 MHz to 3000 MHz standard by
AS 4883:2017 Air valves for sewerage standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2017
AS 3727.1:2016 Pavements - Residential standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2016
AS 1289.6.4.1-2016 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of compressive strength of a soil - Compressive strength of a specimen tested in undrained triaxial compression without...
AS EN 301 549:2016 Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2016
AS 3582.2:2016 Supplementary cementitious materials - Slag - Ground granulated blast-furnace standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2016
AS 1289.6.4.1:2016 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of compressive strength of a soil - Compressive strength of a specimen tested in undrained triaxial compression without...
AS IEC 62477.1:2016 Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment - General standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2016
AS 5113:2016 Fire propagation testing and classification of external walls of buildings standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2016
AS 1546.4:2016 On-site domestic wastewater treatment units - Domestic greywater treatment systems standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2016
AS 5146.2:2015/Amdt 1:2016 Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete - Design Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/2016
AS 2316.2.2:2016 Artificial climbing structures and challenge courses - Flying foxes and challenge ropes courses - Operation requirements (EN 15567-2:2007, MOD) standard by
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