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AS 1774.3-2000 Refractories and refractory materials -Physical test methods - Determination of cold modulus of rupture standard by Standards Australia,...
AS 1038.17-2000 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Higher rank coal - Moisture-holding capacity (equilibrium moisture) standard by Standards Australia,...
AS 1012.8.2-2000 Methods of testing concrete - Method for making and curing concrete - Flexure test specimens standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2000 ...
AS 1289.6.9.1-2000 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil strength and consolidation test Determination of stiffness of soil standard by
AS 1141.4-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Bulk density of aggregate standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2000
AS 1141.20.3-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Average least dimension - Calculation (nomograph) standard by Standards Australia,...
AS 1038.9.1-2000 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Higher rank coal and coke - Phosphorus - Ash digestion/ molybdenum blue method standard by Standards...
AS 1038.9.2-2000 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Higher rank coal - Phosphorus - Coal extraction/ phosphomolybdovanadate method standard by Standards...
AS 1038.9.3-2000 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Coal and coke - Phosphorus - Ash digestion/ phosphomolybdovanadate method standard by Standards Australia,...
AS 1141.20.1-2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Average least dimension - Direct measurement (nominal size 10 mm and greater) standard by
AS 2856.1-2000 Coal petrography - Preparation of coal samples for incident light microscopy standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2000
AS 2805.6.5.1-2000 Electronic funds transfer - Requirements for interfaces - Key management standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2000
AS 4702-2000 Polymeric cable protection covers standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2000
AS 4538.2-2000 Guide to the sampling of alumina - Preparation of samples standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2000
AS 1038.12.2-1999 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Higher rank coal - Caking and coking properties - Determination of Gray-King coke type standard by
AS 1774.23.2-1999 Refractories and refractory materials - Physical test methods - Abradability index - Perpendicular method standard by Standards Australia,...
AS 1038.8.1-1999 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Coal and coke - Chlorine - Eschka method standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1999 ...
AS 1774.25-1998 Refractories and refractory materials - Physical test methods - Determination of density by the Rees-Hugill method standard by Standards...
AS 1289.5.8.5-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soils compaction and density tests - Nuclear surface moisture-density gauges - Density of a Type A or Type C standard density block
AS 1289.5.8.7-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil compaction and density tests - Nuclear surface moisture-density gauges - Water content of a standard moisture block using hydrogen content of components ...
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