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AS/NZS 3678:1996/Amdt 1:1999 Structural steel-Hot-rolled plates, floorplates and slabs Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards, 01/01/1999 ...
AS/NZS 2442.1:1996/Amdt 2:1999 Performance of household electrical appliances - Rotary clothes dryers - Energy consumption and performance Amendment by
AS/NZS 2040.1:1998/Amdt 1:1999 Performance of household electrical appliances - Clothes washing machines - Energy consumption and performance Amendment by
AS/NZS 2465:1999/Amdt 1:1999 Unified hexagon bolts, screws and nuts (UNC and UNF threads Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards, 01/01/1999 ...
AS/NZS 4438:1997/Amdt 1:1999 Height adjustable swivel chairs Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards, 01/01/1999
AS/NZS 4447:1997/Amdt 3:1999 Wool - IWTO Core Test Regulations Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards, 01/01/1999
AS/NZS 2208:1996/Amdt 1:1999 Safety glazing materials in buildings Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards, 01/01/1999
AS/NZS 1362:1998/Amdt 1:1999 Wool - Calculation of IWTO combined certificates for deliveries of raw wool Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards,...
AS/NZS 3128:1998/Amdt 1:1998 Approval and test specification - Portable lamp standards and brackets Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards,...
AS/NZS 1362:1998/Amdt 2:1999 Wool-Calculation of IWTO combined certificates for deliveries of raw wool Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards,...
AS/NZS 2442.1:1996/Amdt 1:1998 Performance of household electrical appliances - Rotary clothes dryers - Energy consumption and performance Amendment by
AS/NZS 2001.4.4:1998 Methods of test for textiles - Colourfastness tests - Determination of colourfastness to water spotting standard by Australian/New Zealand...
AS/NZS 2512.2:1998 Methods of testing protective helmets - General requirements for the conditioning and preparation of test specimens and laboratory conditions standard by
AS/NZS 4179:1997/Amdt 1:1998 Single-use sterile surgical rubber gloves - Specification Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards, 01/01/1998 ...
AS/NZS 1133:1996/Amdt 3:1998 Wool - Determination by the Airflow Method of the mean fibre diameter of core samples of raw wool Amendment by Australian/New Zealand...
AS/NZS 4447:1997/Amdt 2:1998 Wool - IWTO Core Test Regulations Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards, 01/01/1998
AS/NZS 3500.3.2:1998/Amdt 1:1998 National plumbing and drainage - Stormwater drainage - Acceptable solutions Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards,...
AS/NZS 3350.2.8:1995/Amdt 1:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements - Shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances Amendment by
AS/NZS 2130:1998/Amdt 1:1998 Cots for day nursery, hospital and institutional use - Safety requirements Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards,...
AS/NZS 4399:1996/Amdt 1:1998 Sun protective clothing - Evaluation and classification Amendment by Australian/New Zealand Standards, 01/01/1998 ...
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